(212) 787-7543 kidslearngerman@aol.com

The German Language School of Greater New York is a NY State accredited After-School language program with German classes held in Manhattan, Franklin Square and Garden City, LI.

What sets us apart from other language schools?

  • We have been teaching German since 1897.
  • We are NY State Board of Regents accredited.
  • Our families come from diverse and multicultural backgrounds.

Exams offered:

  • NY State Regents equivalency exam at the end of 8 years.
  • Advanced Placement in German – recognized by US Colleges.

Who would choose our program?

Our program caters to children ages 4 to 15. Some of our students are of German heritage, others have no German background. No previous German is necessary. There are classes for children K through 10th grade. Parents select our school because they believe that nurturing one’s heritage or learning a second or third foreign language benefits their child’s development.

How do we teach?

We teach German as a foreign language: In the lower grades teachers will speak English in class when necessary and explanations are given in English. In the upper grades, English is phased out.

When are classes?

Our classes meet one afternoon per week for 1 hour and 45 minutes:

Classes meet from 4:30pm to 6:15pm and from 6:30pm to 8:15pm
(4:30 for younger, 6:30 for older children).

Manhattan: Monday
Garden City: Tuesday and Friday

Our school year starts second week in September. Registrations should be submitted by then.

History: Our School

In the late 19th century our students came from the German immigrant community. Our main purpose was to teach German literature, history, and culture (in German) to the children of German immigrants. Today we offer a bilingual program that teacher German as a foreign language. Our school was incorporated in 1911 by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. The school has offered the NY State Regents continuously from 1911 to 2010, when it was canceled by the Bd. Regents due to financial challenges. In response many school districts chose to “administer locally developed foreign language exams to let students attain a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation” Our school joined a consortium and still graduates its students with Regent’s equivalency exam.

Today we also offer an AP prep course, which prepares students to take an AP exam in German at their HS. This exam is recognized by US Colleges and Universities.

German Language School of Greater New York, Regents Accredited Since 1911.

Classes Forming